Selinunte Sunset Jazz Festival 2022
New look for the summer festival brought by Curva Minore and Lido Zabbara.
The name changes, together with the formula: the event by Curva Minore moves permanently to Lido Zabbara, offering a broader schedule than last summer, in an edition that sees several musicians from the Sicilian territory involved in a look at the sounds of the Mediterranean, the leitmotif of the event.
The program includes the trio of Mauro Cottone, a Sicilian double bass player who moved to Amsterdam, guitarist Bruno Pitruzzella, who presents his solo project “Respawning”, the Albafar trio from Catania, the very young band Karabà, musicians and composers of Senegalese and Sicilian origin, M.I.L. with a repertoire that draws from folklore from all over Europe, the Wise One trio, which offers a repertoire of jazz classics with Afro and Cuban influences, and Fake Five with their Caribbean suggestions.

The complete program of the third edition of the SSJF:
- 3 JULWise One
- 10 JULM.I.L. – Musica Internazionale Locale
- 13 JULMauro Cottone Trio
- 17 JULBruno Pitruzzella – “Respawning”
- 24 JULTabula Rasa
- 30 JULKarabà
- 7 AUGFake Five
- 24 AUGAlbafar