Selinunte Sunset Jazz Festival 2023
The fourth edition of the festival, from July 3rd to September 8th.
The underlying theme of the festival is as usually the music that accompanies the sunsets over the Mediterranean Sea; for this reason, a mixed program, with sounds from Latin America, Eastern Europe and much more, from folk music to Jazz. The festival will involve musicians from all over Sicily, whose artistic proposal goes beyond national borders to place itself on international circuits. There will also be musicians from abroad, such as Mauro Cottone, a Sicilian double bass player who has lived in Amsterdam for years, in addition to the extraordinary participation of Saffran!, a group based in Barcelona, and the Nubras Ensemble.
Also on the program are M.I.L., a trio that draws heavily from the folk tradition of all of Europe, the psychedelic Erimin 5, the free-jazz of Radicetersa in a renewed lineup, with Sabella on drums, Miranda on sax and Alessio Cordaro on double bass, Astral Sounds, Sun Chariot, the Castiglia/Guastella/Zimbardo trio and the talented Esmeralda Sella (keyboard) and Roberto Provenzano (drums).
Artistic direction by Luca Giannetto (Curva Minore).

Complete schedule for this fouth edition:
- 5 JULM.I.L. – Musica Internazionale Locale
- 7 JULErimin 5
- 12 JULRadicetersa
- 19 JULCastiglia/Guastella/Zimbardo Trio
- 26 JULSaffran!
- 3 AUGAstral Sounds
- 9 AUGMauro Cottone Trio
- 23 AUGSun Chariot
- 30 AUGNubras Ensemble
- 8 SEPSella/Provenzano Duo